Saveh Type 1 Portland cement
Portland cement type 325-1
This type of cement is called OPC (Ordinary Portland Cement). Type I cement is divided into three resistance classes, 325, 425 and 525, based on 28-day strength. This cement is the first class of Type I cement and is used for general purposes in making mortar and concrete.
Portland cement type 425-1
This cement is in the middle range of types of type one cement, one of the features of this product can be reduced cement consumption to achieve constant concrete strength, more durable concrete made with it compared to 325-1 cement and the ability to mold earlier than 325 cement. -1 pointed out.
Portland cement type 525-1
This cement is in the third category of type 1 cement and has a higher strength than the previous two categories and is used to make prefabricated concrete parts and reduce side costs.